Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jesus is Alive!

By Easter morning, the kids had already done 3 egg hunts but I wanted to start the tradition in our home so we did one more. At 6:30 the girls were outside checking to see if the Easter bunny had come to our house. The Easter bunny did such a great job hiding eggs, we found some about a week later :-)

4 egg hunts and they still had a blast. Thanks Lily for helping Emery turn her head toward the camera.

When asked what is the meaning of Easter, each girl would respond "Jesus is Alive!" That response got louder and louder in our house the closer we got to Easter Sunday. What beautiful words to hear shouted in your home.

After church we met MIMI, PawPaw and the rest of the Chenoweth family at Champions for a delicious lunch.

The best part about going to Champions for lunch is all the wonderful things they do for the kids. All the kids LOVED the bunnies, but I'm not sure the bunnies loved the kids quite as much.

Happy Easter! Love, The Hall children

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dying Easter Eggs

This was our first year to start the tradition of dying Easter eggs with the kids. All of these childhood activities are also a lot of fun for the parents. Mike and I tried to get creative with some of our egg decorating! Carter was sleeping during the fun. Here are the girls ready with their eggs.
Daddy got all the dye ready for them.The faces show how much they enjoyed dying eggs. MIMI came over later that day to tell them the Easter Story. She used a dozen eggs that each contain a symbol representing a part of the story. They are a terrific visual aide for kids. Even more special is that she has been doing this for all of her grandchildren over the past 16 years.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lissie's 1st Birthday Party

Lissie Tuley's first birthday party was an Easter Egg Hunt at Katie's mom's house in Sugarland. She lives in a beautiful home with an enormous yard which was perfect for the event. Lily is swinging on a rope on the playset.They were waiting so nicely for me to bring them their lunch.Sisterly love My boys
Aubrey is on a mission to find LOTS of eggs.
They had an amazing variety of eggs in different shapes and sizes that were filled with all sorts of fun things including...
...confetti. SUPRISE!
The best part about hunting the eggs is digging in to all the candy. Aubrey, Lily and Emery with their friends, Justin, Harper and Asher.
Girls pic

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Good Friday Family Service

We went to the Good Friday Family Service at our church this year. They have a light service full of singing and dramas about the story of Easter. The egg hunt is divided up by age group so the kids are guaranteed to get some eggs. I went with Lily and Emery to get their eggs while Mike took Aubrey (and Carter) to get hers.
Lily got her maximum amount of eggs.
Carter discovered that the fun is finding out what is inside the eggs. This smart boy would throw the egg off to the side if he opened it and it didn't have anything in it.
Our sweet friends, Madi and Izzy Roemler
Mrs. Schmidt (the nursery director) was showing the kids this adorable bunny. They also had baby chicks for the kids to pet.They did such a nice job of all holding the bunny together.
Not sure if Carter was trying to pet the bunny or squeeze the bunny!