MIMI came over to watch the 3 youngest kids so we could take Aubrey to a baseball game.
What are you doing Lily? Emery thought this was really funny but I'm not sure MIMI did. My dad sent Aubrey this shirt after the Cardinals won the World Series when she was 20-months old. It seemed huge at the time but it kinda fits now.Aubrey and I went as Cardinal fans...loyalty to the team I grew up watching (I was a huge Tommy Herr fan in the 80's) and because the Cardinals were only 2 games away from clinching the playoffs. Uncle Drew had to go to Galveston to scout sites for his Spring Break mission trip so he was able to stay with us a couple of nights while he was in town. He came to the game with us and of course is a Cardinals fan also. Mike was the lone Astros fan at this game!
The Hall family was established in July 2000 when I married my college sweetheart at the TCU chapel in Fort Worth, Texas. We began our life together in Plano but less than a year later headed to Houston so Mike could work for TWSCO, a Chenoweth family owned welding supply company. Six years later our first miracle, Aubrey Mae, arrived. Another 17 months later we were blessed with twins, Lily Kate and Emery McAdams. We are now the Six Halls with the birth of our son Carter Michael. Through prayers, love, support and encouragement from our family and friends, we have been blessed by God.
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